21 Day Fast // Day 13: Living in Humility

Jan 23, 2021    Jensen Elias


John 13:17 If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.

John chapter thirteen is one of the most memorable parts of Jesus' ministry to me. In this chapter, we see Jesus coming to his disciples to wash their feet. It’s one of the most beautiful forms of servanthood. Think about the fact that in our culture we celebrate sneakers and footwear, but they didn't have those things. They wore sandals (some probably walked barefoot) and their feet must have been very dirty; but Jesus didn't care because, although he was washing their feet, he was moving what was in his heart to his hands. I wonder what it would look like if we put into practice what we know about serving others into action. Jesus demonstrated humility by putting himself at the disciples' feet and showing that regardless of His power & being God, He could love them and serve them. That's what we have to reciprocate: that kind of humility. Humility is not thinking less of yourself; but, in fact, not thinking of yourself at all. It's about denying yourself and picking up your cross to follow Christ. Jesus knew that Judas was going to betray him and yet He still washed his feet. Jesus sets up an example to love our enemies and try our best to have a posture of serving others with a compassionate heart.

In verse 17, it talks to us about how we will be blessed if we do these things Jesus showed us in humility. In verse 34, Jesus gives us a commandment: to love one another in the same way Christ loved us. That is, to love one another sacrificially and with great fellowship. That means that I have to be willing to lay down my life for my brothers and sisters. It shows us the heavy commitments that we have as followers of Christ. The outcome we hope for as we obey God is that the people who see us would believe in God because of the love we have for one another. We don't have to try to convince them with our words, but rather with our actions. This is why verse 17 says that the blessed is the one who does these things. Not just because he's representing Christ in a correct manner; but, because he's leading others to the living water--the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let us not just be hearers of the word, but doers of it. Could we apply the commandments God gives to us so that we would bear fruit and see his kingdom multiply? Let's do this by loving our enemies, serving our brothers and sisters, and reaching out to unbelievers. Let’s reach others, teach them, help them mend and pray & love them as they are sent. Whose feet are you washing today?

Prayer Focus: Pray for our FOOD MINISTRY & Nickie Fox for hundreds of people to be fed and loved.