We're currently taking the following items to be dropped off everyday at our Church Office Building: (3351 E. 59th St. Long Beach, CA 90805)
Baby Wipes Masks Gallon Sized Zip Lock Bags Diapers Feminine Hygiene Products Bottled Water Electrolyte Drinks New Towels New Blankets & Bedding New & Packaged Socks New and Packaged Underwear
Gently Used Clothing Gently Used Shoes Soap Toilet Paper Paper Towels Laundry Soap First Aid Items Chapstick Toothbrushes & Toothpaste Individually Wrapped Snacks Flashlights Batteries
Many have lost their homes, pets, cars, churches and so much more in these fires happening all over Los Angeles County. As the Church, we want to be the hands of Jesus delivering hope in a time of great need. If you desire to give or serve with your time, treasures or talents, please review the following resources to guide you in how to help.