We invite you to participate in our 21 Day Fast as we enter a season of celebrating our 70 years of existence and fruitfulness as a church and as we pray and ask God to continue to use our church into the next 70 years! Part of the fast is preparing our church prayerfully for our Building for the Future capital campaign as we identify crucial upgrades and remodeling to our campus but also continue to build his kingdom locally and abroad. We invite you to consecrate yourself in preparation for what God is going to do in this coming season.
Consecration is the act of dedicating oneself as holy or set apart for God's purposes. It is both a divine action and a human response, involving sanctification by God and a willing surrender by the individual or community. For these 21 days, we will as individuals and a community ask God to have his way in and through us as we continue to reach, teach, mend, and send!